Grain coffee with soy milk and stevia

A milk, coffee and sugar-free "latte"

Get your caffeine-free coffee fix

In the morning I love to drink a good cup of real coffee, but sometimes I also long for a nice latte in the afternoon. Of course I don’t want to pump too much caffeine into my body, so grain coffee can be a good option. You can even make a vegan grain coffee with soy milk. If you want a sweet but sugar-free latte, you can use stevia or xylitol to sweeten it.

Grain coffee: a tasty and healthy drink

I use an organic grain coffee with barley and malt. It can be nice to drink even if you usually don’t drink coffee at all. For this coffee you will need a moka pot and a milk frother. I recommend something like this stainless steel frother, because you can heat it and it takes little effort.

Grain coffee with soy milk and stevia
Grain coffee with soy milk and stevia

Grain latte: easy to make

If you have a moka pot and milk frother, this vegan latte becomes extremely easy to make. Just put your moka pot on like you would normally do, but use your grain coffee instead of your normal espresso coffee. At the same time, put some soy milk into your milk frother. Don’t use too much cause it will grow immensely when you froth it. When your coffee is finished stir it, and stir in the preferred amount of stevia. Pour into your cup, froth your milk, beat the jar well to remove the air, and poor it on top of your coffee. Top off with a bit of cinnamon and cocoa.

Grain coffee with soy milk and stevia

A delicious vegan latte without actual coffee, milk and sugar
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • grain coffee
  • soy milk
  • stevia
  • cinnamon
  • cocoa


  • Put the grain coffee in a moka pot. Put the milk in your frother or pot.
  • When the coffee is ready, stir your preferred amount of stevia into your moka pot and pour it into your cup. Stir well.
  • Froth the milk. It is important to shake your frothed milk and softly hit it against the countertop so the air goes out and it becomes thicker.
  • Slowly poor the milk onto the coffee. Top off with cinnamon and/or cocoa.

Author: Jonathan

Foodblogger, translator, webmaster, cook. Passionate about natural food, languages, cycling and travels.

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