Mango raspberry ice cream

Super easy two ingredient mango raspberry ice cream

Froothie’s Optimum G2.1 Platinum Series

The people at Froothie sent me their new Optimum G2.1 Platinum Series blender to test for a month. This mango raspberry ice cream is one of the sugar free recipes I prepared with the blender. I already own another one of Froothie’s awesome blenders, the powerful Optimum 9400, but the new optimum G2.1 Platinum Series blender is even more powerful, and has an electronic display with several programmes and the option to program your blender to blend for a certain time at a certain speed.

Frozen mango and raspberry in Froothie's Optimum G2.1 Platinum series blender
Frozen mango and raspberry in Froothie’s Optimum G2.1 Platinum series blender

Mango raspberry ice cream: a healthy sugar free dessert

The first sugar free recipe I made with the blender, mango raspberry ice cream, is already one of my favourites. Why?

  • It only has two ingredients, mango and raspberry
  • It is extremely quick and easy to prepare (yes, I get lazy too sometimes)
  • The natural sweetness and creaminess of the mango combines exquisitely well with the specific taste and beautiful bright colours of the raspberry
  • Overall you get a super easy, tasty, beautiful and refreshing ice cream which will not fail to impress your guests
Mango raspberry ice cream with pieces of fruit
Your beautiful mango raspberry ice cream will not fail to impress your guests

How do you prepare the ice cream? Well, it depends a little on the ingredients you are going to use. The Optimum G2.1 Platinum series has a preset menu with a sorbet function, which is definitely the easiest option, but I find it works best when you add some liquid, like vegetable milk or some lemon juice, to your frozen fruit or you wait a while until the fruit starts to melt a little. It also works better when you put a lot than when you use less fruit.

Bowl of mango raspberry ice cream
Bowl of mango raspberry ice cream

Preparing your sugar free ice cream

Since I didn’t have a lot of time and opted for the two ingredient ice cream, I find the following method works best:

  • Put the frozen fruit in your blender, close the blender (important! ;)), and wait for a couple of minutes until the fruit softens slightly. Then shortly press pulse a couple of times to shatter your fruit to little pieces.
Optimum G2.1 Platinum series with shattered fruit
Optimum G2.1 Platinum series with shattered fruit
  • Use your tamper or spatula to push everything down from the sides, and blend on a slower speed, like 1 or 2, to get a nice smooth ice cream. You might need to stop blending from time to time to push down your ice cream with a spatula.
Mango raspberry ice cream
Mango raspberry ice cream
Mango raspberry ice cream in a bowl with pieces of fruit

Mango raspberry ice cream

Two ingredient ice cream without added sugar
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 10 people


  • 250 grams mango frozen, cubes
  • 250 grams raspberry frozen
  • vegetable milk optional


  • If you prefer using the sorbet function on your blender, I would a bit of vegetable milk or yoghurt and press "sorbet". If you don't have a sorbet function, or you are making the two ingredient version, transfer the frozen mango and raspberry to your blender. You can still add some vegetable milk or yoghurt. This smoothens the ice cream a little bit and lowers the temperature of the frozen fruit, making the blending go a little bit faster. But you should also be able to make it without.
  • The best thing I find is to wait for a few minutes to let your frozen fruit warm up just a little bit, and then press pulse a couple of times until the fruit has shredded to small pieces as you can see on the picture in the post.
  • Now scrape down the pieces of fruit with your tamper or another blender-friendly tool, like a spatula, and mix.
  • Wait for another minute, then blend for a minute or so on a low speed, like 1 or 2. Depending on how frozen your fruit still is and how much fruit you put in your blender (the more the easier), you might have to interrupt this and scrape or push down some fruit with your spatula or tamper.
  • After a while, your fruit should be soft enough to blend to smooth ice cream. If not, just wait another while and keep scraping and push down the ice cream until it blends to smooth and soft ice cream.
  • Serve ice cold, possibly with some pieces of mango or raspberry on top or on the side.

Author: Jonathan

Foodblogger, translator, webmaster, cook. Passionate about natural food, languages, cycling and travels.

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