Triple chocolate cake

Sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan delicious chocolate delight!
Triple chocolate cake on a plate
Sugar free triple chocolate cake on a plate

This delicious recipe is a true delight for body and mind! The three chocolate layers of which this raw and sugar free chocolate cake exists truly make you forget about all your problems for a moment and enjoy the consolatory effect of the cocoa bean without feeling guilty.

Sugar free chocolate cake

This recipe for a chocolate cake with no sugar is a lot like other recipes I’ve made previously such as my raw bergamot coconut cake. Only here the silken tofu in the main part of the cake has been substituted with cashew nuts, which gives the cake a more solid texture and bite.

It is very simple to design your own version of the raw cake. The base of the raw cake generally consists of a combination of nuts, seeds, flakes and something sweet and sticky, such as dates, raisins or other dried fruits, and flavouring, like cocoa. You can also use lemon, vanilla or herbs like cinnamon or cloves.

The filling is usually made of a big dose of coconut oil, silken tofu or cashew nuts. It is good to take the little bit of extra effort to melt your coconut oil and soak your cashew nuts before blending it. This gives an enormous improvement in texture and taste. The beauty of coconut oil is that it becomes hard in the fridge and gives the whole cake a creamy, harder texture.

Natural sweetness for your sugar free chocolate cake

You are probably going to want to sweeten your raw cake. Here I used medjool dates as natural sweeteners for both the base and main layer. The amount of dates to use varies per type of date and per person. It really depends how juicy your dates are, how long you have soaked them and how sweet you prefer your cake to be.

You can experiment by adding your dates one by one and tasting (YUM!) after every date to see if you have reached the right level of sweetness for your triple chocolate cake.

Other possible sweeteners are stevia, xylitol and erythritol. I think the taste of the last two probably combine the best with the flavour of chocolate.

Triple chocolate cake on a plate

Triple chocolate cake

Triple chocolade cake: a delicious sugar-free cake with a cocoa nut base and raw cocoa nib topping.
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 10



  • 80 grams walnuts
  • 80 grams pecans
  • 4 medjool dates (soaked in water for 4-5 minutes)
  • 30 grams cocoa


  • 300 grams cashews soaked for a minimum of 4hrs and dried
  • 250 grams coconut oil unscented
  • 9 medjool dates (soaked in water for 4-5 minutes)
  • 4 tbsp cocoa
  • 2 handfuls cocoa nibs



  • Start soaking the cashews at least 4 hours before preparing the cake. The dates I would soak for 4-5 but you might need more based on the quality of your blender.
  • Prepare a springform. I usually take a round form which I cover in baking paper (or at least the bottom of it). No need to grease the form.
  • Make the base by grinding the walnuts and pecans (or other nuts) in a mixer or high-speed blender. Add the cocoa and dates and mix again. The mixture is good if it's sticky enough to roll a little ball from it. If not, add more dates.
  • Press 2/3 of this mixture into the bottom of the springform as to form a neat base. Press well. Set the other 1/3 apart for later.


  • Melt the coconut oil. If you'd like to keep the cake 100% raw, melt it at low temperature (even on a heater or in the sun you can easily melt it). You can also melt it in a pan or pot.
  • Mix or blend the liquid coconut oil, cashews, cocoa and dates until they form a smooth and even mixture.
  • Pour the mixture over the base, making sure it evens out well, then sprinkle some of the left-over base and cocoa nibs on top.
  • Leave the cake in the fridge over night or for a couple of hours. This is essential for its taste and structure. If you don't have a lot of time or can't wait, put it in the freezer for two hours.

Author: Jonathan

Foodblogger, translator, webmaster, cook. Passionate about natural food, languages, cycling and travels.

2 replies

2 thoughts on “Triple chocolate cake”

    1. Hi Gui, thanks for responding. I would say that it really all depends what the quality of your blender and dates is. At the time in which I created this recipe, I did not have a high speed blender yet (although I did have a reasonable mixer), but I did use a good quality of thick and juicy medjoul dates. So both those things are of influence on how long you’d want to soak them. Now that I have a high-speed blender, I personally don’t soak my dates any longer before blending them. If you have a different blender and use harder, less juicy dates, you might indeed have to soak them up to half an hour or 45 minutes to get them to blend well. Just experiment and if they don’t blend well, you know that you have to soak them longer. 🙂

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